Thanks for checking out my website! I finished my bike ride down the coast with the Arthritis Foundation, a huge success. Thanks to everyone who donated and/or cheered me on, I do appreciate it.
I just finished the Nosco ride. This yearly event raises money for local families who are struggling because of a health crisis. It is really worthwhile and challenging as well. The ride is 80 miles with 8000 feet of climbing. For some reason, this ride never gets easier and this year was no exception. I think it’s the first climb (Deer Creek) that wears me down a bit at the beginning…or it might be that I try to stay up with some really good riders on the way to the climb…You can go here for more info:
I also rode in Phils Fondo and advertised (via a kit I was given) for my friends CBD oil products company Hello Blue. The ride is put on by Phil Gaimon, a pro rider, it is basically the Nosco route backwards…here is the address for more info: And here is the website for my friends CBD company..good stuff! This was tough but I felt pretty good at the end of it.
Now I go to maintenance mode for the winter months…unless I change it up, which I am considering. Anyway, I usually back down the riding a little and up the running and weight lifting some for the winter months.
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