I never had time for myself…..until I made time for myself. I ended up getting up 30 minutes earlier and spending that time on myself….for me that has been reading and exercising.
This small change in my routine took a little while to get used to, but the benefits are huge.
I highly recommend finding the time out of your schedule for yourself. You benefit, of course, but everyone around you benefits as well. Well how’s that? You may ask. Think about it. If you are not able to set aside a little time to reflect about how you are living and why you are living the way you are, then how are you to know if you are doing the right things? Take for instance my exercising, if I didn’t do this, I wouldn’t have realized how good it makes me feel. It rejuvenates me, it makes my arthritis much more bearable, it allows me to not worry about calories so much, it allows me to listen to books on tape. I am reading more than ever and learning as I exercise.
Now, when I hear someone say that they don’t have time for something, I wonder if they ever thought about getting up earlier, or staying up just a little longer……it is a sacrifice, but the benefits far outweigh that sacrifice.